So i was driving home today after work and i saw a sign that read "No Passing Zone" except some hooligans had blocked out the letters P-ing so that it now read "No ass Zone". I wasn't amused much but not simple because of the random vandalism but more so because the joke or comedy that these kids were trying to create was really weak. So i read this sign and i can only think of a few ways to take it,
A. This zone atm is one where 'jerks' and 'generally mean people' are not allowed.
A zone in which Ass's and Assholes are banned from. (i think this interpretation is wrong because i would love to be in a zone free from jerks and what not).
B This is some sort of zone where hott girls are not allowed, an NO 'ass' zone, i doubt this is the answer because its just some street with houses on the left and some random company on the right (so how many good looking people could be walking around, as the sign would ban them). Also these vandals cant make such broad proclamations to ban someone based on their appearance.
C. Or this zone is one in which people are required to not have an actual ass/butt when in it. That if you want to enter this zone you are required to have no backside (clearly this interpretation is more ridiculous then the rest). So what quickly became clear is that these middle school vandals simple got a laugh out of the simplicity of having 'ass' on a sign, which i find pretty weak.
If i were to give them some advice i would suggest blocking out the "No" and have the sign read "ass Zone". Some sort of zone in which various jerks are constantly around and the streets are quite dangerous with 'asshole' drivers. Or rather it would attract more attractive "pieces of ass' to this particular section of the road. Also i feel like this sign shows a little more care when it comes to trying to create a new meaning for the sign then simply having it read "no ass zone' which isnt very funny aside from a official sign reading 'ass'(which now that it is written out seems kinda funny--BUT STILL). (well sorry for the rant, but i really did think about this on my drive home and thought it funny enough and important enough to explain here, hope you got a laugh at some point :P
Hehehe I love how annoyed you are with all things generic.
It's also kind of ironic because certain kinds of immaturity piss you off immensely and yet you yourself do many things that most people would consider immature because you are cute :-)
I really need to not include telling you that you are cute in all my response to your posts I feel like it lowers other people's perception of my general intelligence immensely.
It lowers my perception of you not at all Lauren.
And when I read that sign I thought the kids were refering to the "friends zone". I like your posts CP.
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